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MAZON ALIGN with a M5 or M30 Adjustable base

Developed by Mazon with their counterparts in Belgium, Their Triform technology combines temperature adaption, airflow and a high level of user comfort, achieving the ultimate goal of body alignment and wellness.
With its cooling properties, Triform Carbon is featured in the primary top layer of the Align Medium mattress.

Special Christmas Prices. Ends December 20th

Item Long Single King Single Double Queen King Split Super King Split
Align Mattress only, Plush,Medium and Firm $1,199 $1,299 $1,699 $1899 $2,399 $2,399
Align Mattress with M5 Adjustable Base $2,499 $2,999 NA $3,999 NA $4999
Align Mattress with M30 Adjustable Base $3,599 $3,999 $4999 $5200 $7450 $7450